Mason Book Talk Features Royal Drama Collection

As part of the 50th Anniversary of Atkins’ Special Collection and University Archives, the library is holding a book talk focused on one of its most regal collections. The family of Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and King George III were avid fans of the theater, sometimes even inviting famous actors to their homes for play-readings. At the center of their enthusiasm for the theater is an extensive collection of English drama collected by Princess Augusta Sophia, George and Charlotte's second-oldest daughter. Join us as we learn about the royal family's bibliophilia and this collection's fascinating journey on its way to a home at UNC Charlotte centuries later, in 1971.
But this was just the beginning of rare-book collecting at Atkins Library! We will also glimpse highlights from the next 50 years of acquisitions and learn the rich histories of many of the rare and distinctive books that have fascinated students and scholars alike for generations. Among the books discussed will be Moby Dick, Leaves of Grass, and works by Phillis Wheatley and Frederick Douglass.
The Julian D. Mason Talks on Book Collecting
The Princess Augusta Sophia Collection of Drama
And Other Rare Treasures From Atkins Library
4 p.m. Wednesday, April 19
Halton Reading Room
Andrew Keener earned his Master's degree in English from North Carolina State University and his Ph.D. in English from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. He has been teaching and advising for the UNC Charlotte Honors College since 2021, and he researches and writes in his spare hours. His scholarly interests include early theater, the history of translation, and the history of printed books.
Robin Brabham is the founding director of Special Collections at J. Murrey Atkins Library, UNC Charlotte, a position he held from 1973 until 2007. He received his B.A. in French and History from Furman University, his Master of Librarianship from Emory University, and his M.A. in History from UNC Chapel Hill.
About the Mason Talks
The Mason Talks were endowed by an anonymous donor to honor Julian D. Mason, who was a Professor of English and administrator at UNC Charlotte for more than 20 years. He was also a consummate book collector and a generous library benefactor.
Video Tour of Atkins Library Hits All the Highlights

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Nap Pods Offer a Restorative Break

Atkins Library has added three Nap Pods for library users to reserve when they need some sleep through the day to recharge their batteries. The Nap Pod area is located in the nook on the east side of the third floor overlooking the Student Activities Center (SAC) and Halton Arena. The pods give users a chance to recharge with a short snooze, complete with a privacy visor, built-in-timer, and sleep music. At the end of the nap, the pod wakes up the user with a gentle but effective combination of light, sound and vibration.
UNC Charlotte purchased Nap Pods for a number of buildings on campus to support students, faculty, and staff in providing clean, safe, and dedicated nap pod locations. A brief nap can be restorative, especially for those who are sleep deprived. An ideal nap lasts 10-20 minutes and can take place when a person experiences a decline in energy and alertness. This brief recharge allows for better overall sleep hygiene without reaching the point of exhaustion at the end of the day.
New Library Mobile App Debuts
By Marc Bess

Atkins Library makes it easier than ever to access library resources with the new Library Mobile App. The library partnered with Ex Libris, the vendor behind the library’s search system, to customize the app to best meet the needs of UNC Charlotte students, faculty, staff, guests, and members of the Friends of the Library program. The app is now available for download on Apple and Android devices.
In the app, users can quickly search for books and articles, access their library accounts, reserve study rooms, view library hours and floor maps, get research assistance, and learn more about upcoming events. The app also includes a variety of other features such as information on Special Collections and University Archives and the Hight Architecture Library as well as links to the library’s social media accounts.
To begin using the app, search for Ex Libris Library Mobile in your device’s app store. Once you download the app, search for and choose ‘UNC Charlotte’ as your library, choose NinerNet, and log in with your university credentials.
Download the app and let us know what you think.