Atkins Library will be piloting a project in Spring 2025 to experiment with fulfilling requests for whole e-books via interlibrary loan (ILL) in pdf format for graduate students, faculty and staff. This is typically not a practice of ILL services because e-books are often bound by licensing agreements that often do not allow for lending them via ILL. Some libraries, however, have been able to negotiate for different terms, and are beginning to lend them when allowed. Below are some things to know about this project and the Atkins Library practices regarding the acquisition of books.
Frequently Asked Questions
Atkins Library book acquisition practices. While many academic libraries are increasingly purchasing books in e-book format, and we do some, Atkins Library continues to purchase books in print format.
Why are we piloting this program? While e-books might not be the format preference of all or many, e-books do serve the needs of some faculty and students. For some students enrolled in online-only programs who do not live in the Charlotte area, the option to borrow books in e-book format via ILL may provide them with access to information that was previously inaccessible. For others, the quicker turnaround to access an e-book is sometimes more valuable than their format preference.
What this project is not...
It is not a reflection of current or future book purchasing practices on our campus.
It is not intended to replace print book requests and borrowing via ILL.
What this project is...
It is our attempt to prepare for the future.
It is our attempt to offer more options to our campus community when available.
Limitations of this pilot program
- There are only so many libraries with the licensing agreement rights and systems in place to lend e-books to us. This could limit our ability to fulfill your requests for e-books. You will be given the option to request the print book instead, or to request one or two chapters from the book.
- This pilot project is limited to graduate students, faculty and staff.
- This pilot project will not apply to popular reading book requests.
- If you are requesting individual book chapters, please use the book chapter request form in your ILL account.
- This service is for personal, scholarly use only. It cannot be used for a class. However, if you do want to use an e-book for a class, use the Electronic Course Material Request Form.
- E-books available through ILL will be delivered in PDF format only.
- You can keep the e-book forever as long as you download it within 30 days.