Winter Break and Semester Start Information
Hours & Access Beginning Sept. 7, 2020
- Beginning September 7, Atkins’ fall hours will be Monday - Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Saturday, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and Sunday, 1:00 - 9:00 p.m. The library doors will be unlocked 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, but access to the building will require a 49er Card during our other open hours and on weekends.
- Floors G-3 will be open with elevator and stair access limited to these floors.
- Desktop computers have been distributed one per table throughout floors G-3; capacity on the open floors is 851 seats and 292 desktop computers.
- Study rooms will be limited to one person. Students are encouraged to reserve study rooms in advance, but will not check in for their reservations when they come into the building. If someone is occupying a room you reserved, show your reservation on your phone.
- You can request books from the closed tower floors by using the Request option in the catalog when logged in to your library account. Books will be retrieved on a twice-daily schedule and will be held on a shelf near the first floor desk for 10 days.
- Students and faculty prevented from visiting the library due to high risk status should contact Patricia Quinn ( for options for accessing print materials.
- Undergraduate students who are graduating or not registered for next semester will be asked to return their interlibrary loan (ILL) materials by 12/15/2020, and will be provided a form to request UPS return labels. Any concerns about returning ILL materials by this date may be sent to Undergraduate students who are continuing next semester will have renewals requested for any items due after Thanksgiving so they can return them in January.
- Community members, retirees, or alumni who need assistance or who would like to request items to borrow should contact the Circulation Desk at 704-687-0491 as library facilities and services are limited to students, faculty, and staff until further notice.
The New Norm – Guidelines for Campus Safety
- Atkins Library takes the #NinersPledge to help keep our community safe.
- Know your W’s. To learn more about UNC Charlotte’s Plan, please visit Niner Nation Cares.
Atkins Library Safety Standards
- We recognize that the risks and concerns of the pandemic do not affect everyone equally. It’s normal to experience anxiety regarding returning to campus during the pandemic, particularly for those who may have underlying health concerns. Library staff and faculty are committed to optimizing your safety while in Atkins Library, the Hight Architecture Library, and other library facilities. If you have any issues or concerns, please reach out to us via email at or by calling 704-687-0491 and we will do our best to identify a suitable solution.
- Atkins Library will adhere to UNC Charlotte’s public health protocols with respect to safety and screening measures. We will implement additional measures to safeguard health and safety in the library environment.
- Atkins will provide adequate and appropriate cleaning services, equipment, and supplies to ensure staff and user health and safety.
- Plexiglass and/or standalone shields are installed at service desks.
- Library users are required to maintain six-foot separation and to wear masks in public and shared areas.
- Security guards will be posted at library entrances to ensure that entering users adhere to all safety requirements.
- Security guards will also circulate through the building to enforce the policies; users who do not comply will be asked to leave the building for the rest of the day.
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- Users should remain seated while eating and drinking and put masks back on as soon as they finish.
- Atkins has removed or redistributed furniture to promote distancing of at least six feet. Library users should not relocate furniture.
- Bottle-filling stations will be operable, but water fountains will be turned off.
- All library users and employees should follow directional and other signage intended to promote social distancing. Traffic flow maps are available for the ground, first, second, and third floors.
Borrowing Laptops
Currently enrolled UNC Charlotte students may borrow PC and Mac laptops on a first-come, first-served basis:
- Laptops are available to students for a seven-day loan from Atkins or from the laptop vending machine in the CHHS building.
- For laptops borrowed from Atkins, the initial 7 day loan period may be extended at checkout or by contacting the Circulation Desk (704-687-0491). Laptops must be returned before the library closes on December 23 and cannot be kept on loan during the Winter Break.
Help is available through our Live Chat service during these hours: Monday-Friday 8 am - 6 pm and Sat/Sun 1-5 pm. You can also use the chat or email for any questions related to library services or resources
- Most library services and collections are available online through the catalog.
- A New Student Resource Guide was developed as an introduction to Atkins Library.
- Students can also download Atkins Library's What You Need to Know for Fall 2020.
- Library faculty are maintaining an Atkins Library Covid-19 Resources Guide to assist with your teaching, learning, and research needs.
- Request additional research help through our Research Consultation Form or by directly contacting subject librarians.
- Atkins Library will begin receiving and sending physical books from other libraries on September 7. Incoming items will be held for 72 hours before processing.
- Loan periods for reserve items are 24 hours, 3 days, and 7 days.
- Items returned will be quarantined for 72 hours before being loaned again. This status and date of return to the shelf will be reflected in the online search system.
- Materials can be returned to any book drop location on campus.
- Equipment should be returned to the Circulation Desk or Area 49 as appropriate.
- Library staff will do the best they can to meet all requests, although there may be some delays
Area 49
Area 49 will be open, though each space will operate differently than it has before. Check Area 49’s Fall 2020 plan for information on how to access and use each space. The plan addresses:
- Each space’s operations
- Tech and equipment cleaning
- Machine and room trainings
- Classes
For any additional questions, email
Special Collections & University Archives
- Special Collections and University Archives, located on the 10th floor of Atkins Library, will be accessible for research by appointment to UNC Charlotte students, faculty, and staff only -- please email to schedule a time. Researchers with scheduled appointments in the 10th Floor Reading Room will be escorted by a staff member.
- Remote instruction with unique primary sources is available for both synchronous and asynchronous classes. Please see the Special Collections website for more information.
Library Events and Programs
- All events sponsored or co-sponsored by Atkins Library will remain virtual until further notice.
- Groups from outside the library may not reserve or use meeting rooms in any library facility for in-person, non-instructional events.
Atkins Library Reopening Guide Last Updated on 10/15/2020