Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform has released some new functionalities to improve the overall research experience of the platform.
Autosuggest is now available via ScienceDirect Search which provides a smoother search experience by conveniently connecting users to relevant search terms. Behind the scenes, the autosuggest algorithm is based on commonly occurring words & phrases found within a corpus of Scopus abstracts, combined with the frequency of those terms within the same abstracts. You can find this new functionality using Advanced Search:
Topics Homepage
At the bottom of the page for ScienceDirect, you can select Browse by Topic, users can now search/browse through a page of Topic Tiles to explore specific subject areas or to get up to speed on new topics in a particular area. The topic pages can also be shared directly as a starting place for research discovery.
You simply select one of the tiles, and you'll be taken to a page with a brief description of the subject and a list of relevant subject terms:
We'd love to hear your feedback about this enhancement — Go visit ScienceDirect and let us know what you think!