Fall Poe-etry Reading
Halton Room at J. Murrey Atkins Library
Thursday, October 27, 2022
3:00-5:00 p.m - Drop by or stay for a while!
Come enjoy treats and poetry and celebrate all things spooky at this fall’s Poe-etry Reading event. We welcome you to share your favorite Edgar Allen Poe poem, your own original poem, or another treasured work of verse and follow the raven into a dream within a dream. If you would like to read at this event, please share which poem you’d like to read using this Google Form by Thursday, October 20th. Listen! Is that your heartbeat excited by the opportunity to share a poem? We’ll have an open mic portion of the event for you to jump into the fun. Feel free to don your favorite costume and vulture eye: spooky or otherwise.
This event is sponsored by J. Murrey Atkins Library and the English Learning Community, a group of first year English majors exploring UNC Charlotte.
Please contact Tiffany Morin (tamorin@uncc.edu) or Natalie Ornat (nornat@uncc.edu) for questions about this event.