Is the barrier you encountered physical or digital? Physical Digital Affiliation Affiliation - None -FacultyStaffStudentCommunity MemberOther… Enter other… Physical barriers may include an inoperative elevator, door, restroom, or pathway. To report physical accessibility barriers at Atkins Library, please complete the form. If you prefer to report anonymously, skip the name field. Location Inside the Library Outside of the Library Type of Barrier Type of Barrier - None -ElevatorDoorwayRestroomWalkwayStairsOther… Enter other… Description of the Barrier Describe Location (Provide details regarding the floor, room, or space if able) Describe Location (Provide as much detail as you can) Digital barriers may include inaccessible format of electronic resources, computer software, a website or web page. To report digital accessibility barriers at Atkins Library, please complete the form. If you prefer to report anonymously, skip the name field. Type of barrier Type of barrier - None -Website or WebpageElectronic Resource - Database NameArticle InformationSoftware ProgramOther… Enter other… What were you trying to access that was not accessible? - None -ArticleImagePDF Document What browser were you using? Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer Other Other Computer Tablet Mobile Phone Were you using a screen reader? Yes No What challenges did you face getting this information? Date Barrier identified Suggestions for Improvement Have you previously reported this to anyone? Yes No If so, to whom was this reported? Name (not required) Email Submit