Please fill out the registration form after you have scheduled your appointment.
Our service point has temporarily changed
Due to major renovations, the Dalton Reading Room is closed. Services will be provided by appointment only in Atkins 123. (Directions).
Everyone is welcome
We welcome researchers from across campus, the region, and the world.
Due to the unique and irreplaceable nature of the materials in our care, we ask that you abide by policies and procedures that will help ensure that these materials will be available to researchers for generations to come.
Dalton Reading Room Policies
Dalton Reading Room Policies
- Do not bring food or drink into the Dalton Reading Room.
- Leave personal belongings such as backpacks, bags, and coats at the front of the room.
- You may have your phone, laptop, pencil, and paper (no pens) with you at the research table.
- Wash your hands before using materials.
Rules for Accessing Rare Books and Archival Materials
Rules for Accessing Rare Books and Archival Materials
- Present photographic identification (university ID, driver's license, etc.) and fill out a registration form. Registration is required only once a year unless the research topic changes upon a subsequent visit.
- Use materials only in the Reading Room. If you cannot access the Reading Room and require accommodations, please contact us at 704-687-1674 or spec-coll@uncc.edu.
- Take notes using only pencil and paper (or laptop computer).The use of ink pens is not allowed. Pencils will be provided upon request.
- Use only one folder at a time, and use the cards provided to mark the place in the box from which a folder has been removed.
- Handle items with care. Do not trace, write on, or fold materials. Do not write on paper that is placed on top of materials. Use all materials flat on the table or on a book cradle.
- Do not change the order of folders in boxes or the order of documents in folders; if the order appears to have been disturbed, please notify staff. Before replacing folders in boxes, please straighten contents.
- Do not remove photographs (including negatives and slides) from their protective sleeves. Nitrile gloves will be provided for handling photographs if they are not sleeved.
- Do not open books and lay them face down and do not use objects such as pencils as bookmarks. Books with sealed pages are to be separated only by staff.
- Reproduction via self- scanning or taking images by tablet and phone cameras is allowed. There is no charge for use of department scanners. However, Special Collections staff may forbid the use of cameras or scanners if you mishandle material, or if your methods of reproduction pose any risk to our materials or cause disruption in the Reading Room.
- We reserve the right to prevent duplication of materials if it will damage materials or if we understand there is intent to violate copyright.
- Requests for materials will be accepted up to 30 minutes before closing; materials charged to researchers must be returned to the public service desk no later than 5 minutes before closing.