Technology Checkouts Policy
- Technology (digital cameras, audio equipment, tripods, circuitry, projectors, gaming equipment) circulates to currently enrolled UNC Charlotte students, faculty and staff. This equipment is housed in Area 49 (2nd floor of Atkins) at the Area 49 Desk.
- UNC Charlotte ID must be presented for checkout. Temporary UNCC IDs are not accepted.
- Laptops are circulated exclusively from the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of Atkins.
- Additional policies apply for Early College students (See Early College Use of Area 49 & Library Technology)
Loan Periods
- Loan periods range from 3 hours to 7 days
- Some items from the Information and Research Desk can be renewed online up to two times before they are late.
- Items from the Area 49 Desk cannot be renewed.
- iPads have an automatic 1 hour buffer period after they've been returned during which they cannot be checked out again by any patron.
- Gaming Lab games, equipment, and flash drives circulate for a 3 hour loan period with no renewals.
- Each item has its corresponding loan period listed on our Borrow Technology page.
- Patrons may check out Gaming Lab games and equipment again after their 3 hour loan has expired if another patron isn’t waiting to play.
Returning Equipment
All Area 49 equipment must be returned directly to Area 49 Desk staff or placed in the designated Area 49 return box. Items that do not fit in the Area 49 return box must be returned in person at the Area 49 Desk. Patrons are fully responsible for the cost of technology that is damaged, lost, or stolen while in their possession. Items returned to the return box damaged or with missing parts will incur charges, and patrons are responsible for their condition upon return.
- Fines for Atkins technology are $10 per day that each individual checkout is late.
Replacement Costs
- Patrons are responsible for the entire cost if the technology is damaged, lost, or stolen while in your possession.
- Replacement costs for lost or damaged items depend on the item needing to be replaced, and may reflect the cost of the entire item if a part cannot be replaced separately. Some Atkins technology is valued up to $4000.
- Each item required to use the equipment will be priced separately i.e. charger is separate from camcorder.
3D Printing Policy
The 3D printing request service is available to UNC Charlotte students, faculty, and staff for academic use only. The use of our services for commercial purposes is prohibited. Those who request this service must do so in compliance with all of the laws, regulations, and policies set forth by UNC Charlotte and J. Murrey Atkins Library.
For questions about the 3D printing policy and procedures or to schedule a consultation, contact Consultations are recommended for faculty who are interested in implementing 3D prints in their curriculum.
Print Requests
All print requests need to be made through the 3D Print Request Form. Requests are processed in the order received.
You may choose up to five copies of the same file per request form. Copies will be identical in size, color, scale, and any other design specification defined by your digital model. If you choose to have multiple copies made, you must allow additional time for each copy. For more than five copies of the same file, fill out an additional request form.
Library staff reserves the right to decline a print request for reasons that include, but not limited to, incompatible file format, corrupt file, or oversized file or print.
Acceptable Formats
All print requests must include a digital model file. The following are the only acceptable formats for print requests:
- .STL
- .OBJ
If you are unsure about the format of your digital file or its compatibility with our 3D printers, consult with an Area 49 team member before submitting a request. If your file is corrupt, too large, or otherwise unprintable, library staff will not be able to complete the print request.
User Rights and Limitations
J. Murrey Atkins Library stands behind and supports intellectual freedom and creative expression. However, the use and/or request of the 3D printer must be for lawful purposes only. The Library’s user behavior and acceptable use policies apply to all uses of the 3D printer and 3D prints. The Library prohibits any use of the 3D printer for illegal purposes, including the creation of items that are prohibited by local, state, or federal law, or by any UNC Charlotte policy. In particular, the Library prohibits use of the 3D printers to create weapons, facsimiles or replicas of weapons, parts of weapons, ammunition, or any other objects that could endanger, intimidate, or cause injury to another person. The Library reserves the right to decline any print request for any reason.
Print requests must comply with the Copyright Policy maintained by the J. Murrey Atkins Library and UNC Charlotte. This policy outlines the unlawful, restricted, and unfair use of copyrighted materials and any use that violates intellectual property rights.
Our 3D printers use PLA (polylactic acid) filament to create 3D models. You may choose from the Library’s supply of filament; we are unable to accept filament provided by patrons at this time.
We will attempt to maintain a consistent variety of colors available for prints; however, color options cannot be guaranteed.
The cost of 3D printing is based on the size and amount of filament needed to print an object. Charges also factor in cost of supplies, time, labor, and maintenance. The cost for a 3D print is $0.25 per gram.* There is a minimum cost of $1.00. Rates may change without notice.
A free cost estimate is provided upon receipt of your request. You are responsible for full payment of your object. Payment is due at the time of pickup. Acceptable forms of payment include:
- Cash
- Credit
*Rates are subject to change without notice.
Print Quality and Reprints
Library staff will take measures to ensure that the 3D printer performs to the specifications of the file submitted. The quality of a printed object may depend on the type of digital model and/or file you choose. When using community-shared repositories, like Thingiverse, quality of digital model/file cannot be guaranteed.
In instances where the 3D print fails as a result of printer failure, library staff will reprint the object at no extra cost. However, dissatisfaction with design, size, color, quality, and/or other factors beyond the control of library staff will not qualify for a cost-free reprint.
Please be aware of the capabilities of our 3D printers to ensure the success of your project.
Print Pickup
You will receive an email once your 3D print is ready for pickup. 3D prints must be paid for and picked up at the Circulation Desk within 7 days of notification, after which the Library no longer assumes responsibility for your print. Failure to pick up your print within 7 days will result in the cost being charged to your account as a library fine.
You must present your ID in order to pick up your 3D print. Only the person that initiated the print request (via print request form) may pay for and pick up a 3D print.
Large Format Printing Policy
The large format print request service is available to UNC Charlotte students, faculty, and staff for academic use only. The use of our services for commercial purposes is prohibited. Those who request this service must do so in compliance with all of the laws, regulations, and policies set forth by UNC Charlotte and J. Murrey Atkins Library.
Print Request
All large format print requests should be made through the Large Format Print Request Form. Requests are processed in the order they are received. Please allow a 24-48 hour turnaround time.
Acceptable Formats
Upload your file to the request form in one of the following formats:
- .jpg
- .ppt (PowerPoint)
Please note that certain PowerPoint fonts saved on a Mac may change when opened on a PC. To ensure the desired look of your print, use an embedded font or avoid using specialty fonts.
Print dimensions must be indicated in inches. The maximum print width is 36 inches.
Payment is due at the time of pickup. We currently accept payment in either cash or credit. Cost is determined by the length of your print per linear foot. (A linear foot is equal to 12 inches, measured lengthwise.) The cost for large format printing is as follows:
- $1.80 per linear foot (B&W)*
- $6.00 per linear foot (Color)*
*Rates are subject to change without notice.
User Rights and Limitations
J. Murrey Atkins Library stands behind and supports intellectual freedom and creative expression. However, the use and/or request of the plotter printer must be used for lawful purposes only. The Library’s user behavior and acceptable use policies apply to all uses of the plotter printer and large format prints. The Library prohibits any use of the plotter printer for illegal purposes, which includes the creation of materials that are prohibited by local, state, or federal law.
Print requests must comply with the Copyright Policy maintained by the J. Murrey Atkins Library and UNC Charlotte. This policy outlines the unlawful, restricted, and unfair use of copyrighted materials and any use that violates intellectual property rights.
Print Quality and Reprints
Library staff will take measures to ensure that the plotter printer performs to the specifications of the your file. However, the quality of a large format print may depend on the format, size, quality and other specifications of your file.
In instances where the large format print fails as a result of printer failure, library staff will reprint at no extra cost. However, dissatisfaction with design, size (if printed as directed), color, quality, and/or other factors beyond the control of library staff will not qualify for a cost-free reprint.
Print Job Pickup
You will receive an email once your large format print is ready for pickup. Prints must be paid for and picked up at the Circulation Desk within 7 days of notification, after which the Library no longer assumes responsibility for your print. Failure to pick up your print within 7 days will result in the cost being charged to your account as a library fine.
You must present your ID in order to pick up your print. Only the person who initiated the print request (via the print request form) may pay for and pick up a print.
Laptop Policy
Makerspace Policy
The Atkins Makerspace is on the second floor of J. Murrey Atkins Library, and is open to all current UNC Charlotte students, faculty, and staff. The space is equipped for all kinds of making, and contains equipment and materials such as 3D printers, a laser cutter, desktop CNC routers, sewing machines, paints, wood, circuitry kits, textiles, and more.
Visit to learn about makerspaces all across campus.
Access & Training
Basic Use
Before using the Makerspace, all users will sign the Atkins Makerspace Safety and Use Agreement.
Machine Use
If you wish to operate a Makerspace machine, you must undergo a training session. After your first training, you will receive a training badge, which will keep track of all machines you have been trained on. To use a machine, show your badge to the Makerspace Monitor. You will receive a color-coded lanyard that gives you authorization for the machine at that time. You will be responsible for the machine until you return the lanyard.
A list of all trainings and workshops and registration details can be found on the Technology Instruction page. If you have been trained on the same machine at the CCI Makerspace or RōFL, you may provide proof of training as an alternative to training at this site.
Reserving Machine Time
Any machine requiring extended use time, such as the 3D printers, the CNC milling machines, and the laser cutter, must be reserved in the Group Study system. You will gain access to the schedules for these machines once you undergo trainings.
Master Maker Level
After training on all machines and demonstrating proficiency, you may request “Master Maker” status. Master Makers will have card access and use of the Makerspace outside of regular operating hours. Priority is given to academic and/or research projects. If you are interested in this level of access, please speak to the Makerspace Monitor.
- Ensure that all tools are cooled and off before stepping away or storing items.
- Remove personal items that could become entangled when operating equipment. Tie back long hair.
- Closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times.
- Modification of tools and equipment is prohibited.
- Use the supplied protective gear listed near each machine when producing dust, particles, shavings, or heat.
- Food and drink are not allowed inside the room, with the exception of closed water bottles.
- All accidents, including minor injuries and hazardous conditions or activities, must be reported immediately to Makerspace staff.
- All Makerspace materials, services, and products are provided by Atkins Library on an “as is” basis without warranties or representations of any sort, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. If something is broken or not fit for use, alert Makerspace staff. Items can often be repaired, but in some cases, replacement cost fines may apply.
Code of Conduct
All users should comply with the UNC Charlotte Code of Student Academic Integrity, Code of Student Responsibility, and all other UNC Charlotte policies. In addition, we ask that all users follow the guidelines below for continued use of the Atkins Makerspace.
Atkins Makerspace users must:
- Attend appropriate training for any equipment used;
- Contact staff for equipment repair or troubleshooting;
- Use tools and equipment only for their intended purposes with approved materials;
- Pay for items that require payment;
- Ensure that all items are cooled before storing;
- Remove personal files from storage cards and machine memory;
- Remove all personal items from the Makerspace. We do not provide storage space for created objects, but if your project requires drying or setting time, speak with the Makerspace Monitor for accommodations.
Atkins Makerspace users must not:
- Make or reproduce weapons, drug paraphernalia, illegal objects, or any accessory or component related to the above;
- Make or reproduce any copyrighted, patented, or trademarked items;
- Sell items made in the Makerspace.
There are no fees associated with using the Makerspace tools and equipment, but users will pay for selected consumable supplies, such as 3D filament. Payment will be collected at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.
Item | Cost |
3D Printer Filament | $0.25 per gram ($1 minimum) |
Vinyl | $1.00 per linear foot |
Large Format Printing (B&W) | $1.80 per linear foot |
Large Format Printing (Color) | $6.00 per linear foot |
Wood Sheets | $0.10 per square inch |
Wood Blocks | $0.15 per cubic inch |
Tile | $0.20 per square inch |
Cardboard | Free! |
If you have any questions, please email or talk with a Makerspace Monitor.
Visualization Lab Policy
The Visualization Lab is designed to support large-scale visualization and collaborative, technology-rich research projects. Located on the second floor of the J. Murrey Atkins Library, room 244, the lab is equipped with a 86.5"x284" widescreen display, two Panasonic projectors, an Alienware PC, an HTC Vive virtual reality system, a Dell PC, and an Epson Short-throw Projector with interactive SmartBoard/Laptop combo. The space and equipment are conducive to supporting and exhibiting cross-disciplinary research projects, digital scholarship activities, data analysis and visualization, GIS, virtual reality, and more.
The Visualization Lab is designed to support large-scale visualization; collaborative, technology-rich projects; cross-disciplinary work; digital scholarship activities; data analysis and visualization; GIS; and virtual reality. The space houses a widescreen display, a Valve Index virtual reality system, and a whiteboard wall, and there is always more technology on its way. Visit the Visualization Lab page on our LibGuide for instructions on using the technology.
Using the space
You may reserve the lab after signing the Visualization Lab Safety and Use form. If you need additional assistance with the space and its technology, please contact
Scheduling the Visualization Lab
Once you have signed the form, you may begin scheduling time in the Visualization Lab by emailing the Digital Pedagogy and Emerging Technologies Librarian. Once your reservation is accepted, you will receive a confirmation email and a Google Calendar invite confirming your reservation. To cancel your reservation, decline the Google Calendar invitation or reply to your original email.
At the time of your reservation, please check in with your UNC Charlotte ID card at the Area 49 Desk on the second floor of Atkins Library.
Card swipe and calendar access are available to Atkins Library employees only.
Presentations & Workshops
In order for potential and current users to consider the possibilities for using the Visualization Lab space, its technologies, and its associated practices, we offer the following presentations and workshops.
Please note that these workshops and presentations are conducted by members of the Area 49 team. The Subject Librarian for your discipline will be invited to contribute additional expertise.
Introductory Presentation
This is a 20-45-minute presentation designed to introduce the concept of a visualization lab, present the technology in the room, and view example projects that use such technologies and may spark ideas. The length of the presentation is dependent on available time and the depth of information and examples requested.
Ideation Sessions
Ideation sessions can be set up for individual users or research groups, or can be expanded to include entire departments or classes. In an ideation session, attendees will consider how they might use the technology in the Visualization Lab or incorporate practices associated with the technology.
Though an ideation session can be of any length, it is best paired with a quick introductory presentation when users have not yet been introduced to the technology. In these cases, it is best to allow at least an hour for the entire session.
Class Workshops
Similar to research instruction sessions facilitated by subject librarians, this workshop allows students to interact with concepts related to Visualization Lab, such as design thinking, critical thinking, the basics of digital scholarship, and collaboration. Class workshops will be designed around the needs and goals for your specific course.
Instructors wishing to reserve the Visualization Lab may contact the Digital Pedagogy and Emerging Technologies Librarian and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
For questions, contact the Area 49 Desk at 704.687.6028 or
Early College Use of Area 49 & Library Technology
Area 49 Spaces
Students in the Early College High School may use Area 49 spaces, but for the use of the 3D printers, the laser cutter and the CNC routers in the Makerspace, Early College students must be accompanied by an Early College supervisor. A number of instructors will be trained for these purposes. Early College students are welcome to attend room and machine trainings, unaccompanied.
Atkins Library Technology Checkouts
Early College students may check out technology from Atkins Library for academic use. This includes laptops with unmonitored internet access, video games and devices, and a variety of other technologies. Parents are ultimately responsible for paying any late return fees, damage fees, or replacement fees incurred by their students. The Early College does not monitor this activity and will not be held responsible for these fees.
Photogrammetry Lab Policy
The Photogrammetry Lab is designed to support digital 3D modeling of real-world objects using photographs. Located on the first floor of J. Murrey Atkins Library, room 101E, the lab is equipped with a Canon EOS Rebel T7i DSLR camera, tripod, Francierstudio Chromakey lighting kit with two 800 watt lights, 10’ x12’ white backdrop, manual turntable, and PC with Agisoft Metashape software. The space and equipment allow the user to photograph an object and process the photographs into a digital 3D model using photogrammetry software.
Visit the Photogrammetry Lab page on our LibGuide for instructions on how to use the technology and software available in the lab and for an introduction to photogrammetry.
Orientation & Training
Before using the Photogrammetry Lab, you will need to be trained on the equipment and software in the space. Training can be scheduled by contacting the Emerging Technologies Librarian to set up a time for an individual or small group (up to 3 people) session.
This 1-hour training includes:
- A brief introduction to photogrammetry and how this technique can be used to create 3D models;
- An overview of how to operate the camera and lighting setup to take your photographs;
- How to prepare and upload your photographs into Metashape software and process them into a 3D model;
- How to save and export your 3D model for editing, 3D printing, or other uses.
Once you have completed this training, you will be added to the list of approved users able to reserve and use the space.
Scheduling the Photogrammetry Lab
Once you have undergone the training, you may begin scheduling time in the Photogrammetry Lab by emailing the Emerging Technologies Librarian. Once your reservation is accepted, you will receive a confirmation email and a Google Calendar invite confirming your reservation. To cancel your reservation, decline the Google Calendar invitation.
At the time of your reservation, the Emerging Technologies Librarian will meet you at the Photogrammetry Lab to provide access to the room.
Presentations & Workshops
If you are unfamiliar with photogrammetry or 3D modeling, the following sessions are available to introduce the techniques and concepts of photogrammetry. These presentations and workshops are conducted by the Emerging Technologies Librarian.
Introduction & Ideation Session
This 30 to 60-minute session is designed to introduce the concepts of photogrammetry, present the technology in the lab, view example projects, and spark ideas for use of this technology. Attendees will consider how they might use photogrammetry in their research or instruction. The length of the session depends on available time and the depth of information and examples requested. This session can include 1-3 participants and the Subject Librarian for your discipline may be invited to contribute additional expertise.
Photogrammetry Workshops
This 1-hour workshop takes place outside of the Photogrammetry Lab allowing larger groups to be introduced to photogrammetry techniques and the equipment and software available in Area 49. This workshop can be adapted for specific classes or projects. Instructors interested in adapting this workshop for their class may contact the Emerging Technologies Librarian and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.